Saturday, May 18, 2019

Sam Kolton Bar Mitzvah

Torah Reading
May 18--Washington, DC--The right of passage, Sam Kolton's Bar Mitzvah.  Watching other Bar Mitzvah photographers it seems their images do get to be quite staged.  Thus as we do take the traditional photographs, we try to make it fun as well as quick.  This is the second Kolton son whose Bar Mitzvah I photographed, so we knew each other and they knew the routine.  Get the photos and lets make it fun, capture those goofy moments that will be treasured.

Proud Mom & Son
The "Entrance" 
The Chair Dance
The Two Grandmothers
Copyright 2019 Laurence L. Levin
All Rights Reserved. No publishing or usage granted without permission.
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Rated #1 2019 DC Event Photographer by Peerspace

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