February 9, 2013--Washington, DC--
The Optical Society's Board of Directors. OSA is one of my 'newer' clients. The members are remarkable: scientists, educators, inventors and many Nobel Prize Winners. It is an honor just to be in the same room with everyone. No doubt many of my camera's functions were from discoveries and inventions made by OSA members
Every year at their conference, the board gathers and a group shot is made. Early Saturday morning, in between meetings, they walk to a pre-determined location and pose for their photo. Since time is of the essence this photo takes some planning; A location near their meeting room, lights set-up, and situation planned. In the lobby of the Palomar Hotel, there are four steps, a good location to do a group shot. There is 'layering' so we can see everyone's face. The board congregates, they go to a spot on the steps, a quick check to make sure no one is blocking someone. In one minute and 32 seconds, eight frames are made. And the 2013 OSA Board photo is done.
Copyright 2013
Laurence L. Levin