Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Success from Home: Phil Gerdes

August 20--Annapolis, MD--Success from Home magazine assignment: to feature the successful lifestyle of Phil Gerdes and his family. Gerdes is a lifestyle coach and a top performer of a network marketing company.  Had to do several setups, change of clothes, change angles and perspectives.  These two situations are my favorite.

Photography Copyright 2013 Laurence L. Levin 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Riley Folds

August 18--Washington, DC--Author, Activist, Entrepreneur and friend Riley B. Folds asked me to make his portrait.  He was staying at the Mayflower Hotel.  So many eloquent rooms and places to photograph at this hotel  This was my favorite location, the balcony overlooking the main lobby.  Using one light off camera and balancing the exposure for the ambient light.

Riley's book Your Queer Career can be found on Amazon.

Photography Copyright 2013 Laurence L. Levin 
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