Sunday, July 21, 2019

Best Buddies Leadership Conference

July 21–Bloomington, IN—Miss USA Cheslie Kryst and Miss Teen USA Kaleigh Garris stand with participants of the World Cafe at the Best Buddies Leadership Conference at Indiana University.  This event allows participants meet in small groups to learn and discuss how to engage in the #bestbuddies movement.    

Photographing groups is challenging. You try to set up the situation.  People are impatient. No doubt you have arrange and cajole this large group. No matter how much you prepare something goes wrong. However, many happy technical issues.  The ISO was sent at 5000 allowing the natural light to assist the exposure.  Shot with my NIKON Z6 and a NIKON speedlight. The flash automatically set to fill in the shadows of the front row.  The camera was set on the AI mode. Using the right high end equipment always helps to make technically great images. Especially when one is dealing with other issues.————-    #bblc2019 #nikon #nikonz6 #nikonnofilter #larrylevinphoto #dceventphotographer #dceventphotography

Copyright 2019 Laurence L. Levin
All rights reserved. No publishing or usage granted without written permission 
Instagram @larrylevin
LinkedIn Laurence L. Levin
Facebook Larry Levin 
Rated #1 2019 DC Event Photographer by Peerspace 

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Sunflowers at McKee-Besher Field

July 06--Montgomery County, Maryland--McKee-Besher Sunflower Management Field has three huge fields dedicated to growing sunflowers.  The main purpose is to provide seeds for mourning doves.  Hunting season for the doves is in late fall.  In addition, the seeds provide nutrition for other birds and mammals in the area as well as for bees and insects.  

Although there are acres and acres of sunflowers, my favorite photos are close-ups.  Was working with the Nikkor 80-400mm lens with a teleconverter which turned the lens into a 640mm lens.  It was heavy carrying this setup through the field especially it was mid-day and close to 90 degrees.  However it was challenging and fun, dealing with the high in the sky sun and the heat.  All shot on the Nikon Z6

A Red Admiral Butterfly
Copyright 2019 Laurence L. Levin
All Rights Reserved. No publishing or usage granted without permission.
Instagram @larrylevin
Facebook Larry Levin 
Rated #1 2019 DC Event Photographer by Peerspace